The 1963 Corvette was a model that had to change something if it were to continue being so successful. So after 10 years of similar models, major and less major improvements, it was time that the designers at Chevrolet came up with something new. A model, which would turn heads and revolutionize the way that the American people looked at the Corvette. That’s how after so much time the new version of the Corvette was finally woven out by Bill Mitchell and his team of workers and it was one of the hottest models around. It was called the Sting Ray. This new model would become a significant part of the Corvette history and help propel it forward to one of the most popular American models of all time.

The suspension on the Sting Ray was a Duntov and even though it was simple it would prove to be very effective and fit just perfectly for this car model. The differential was carried away by the rubber cushioned struts which had the job of reducing the harshness of the ride and at the same time they had to deal with tires adhesion improvement, more specifically on rough terrain. The transverse spring was moved and bolted by the rear of the differential case.

This particular model was also considerably lighter than previous other models. Also the suspension of it, more specifically the rear suspension would provide a major reduction when it came to the unsprung weight. This was vital because this model had previous generation’s outboard rear brakes.

Considering the front suspension, this was not changed much and it was basically not altered at all. It had the same lower and upper unequal length when it came to the A-arms.

Another the designers of the 1963 Corvette came up with was the new hydraulic steering damper which was sturdily bolted to the relay rod at one end and to the frame rail at the other. This particularly helped to soak up bumps and offer a much smoother ride. Even more than that, now you had the option of having hydraulically assisted steering. This major change was a first for the company and buyers really loved the way this new feature help the Corvette handle on the road.

The 1963 Corvette was a huge turning point for Chevrolet and the company really hit home run with this model.

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